Yes We Can Bilingual Education

Bilingual Education
The Yes We Can education model provides consistent English and Spanish language learning as a part of its core curriculum. Students receive a daily introduction to the English language and learn important practical language skills they can use immediately. These classes help students learn second language skills and the confidence to use these new learned skills. Bilingual education increases cognitive development, improves communication skills and can provide increased economic opportunities.

Technology and Bilingual Learning
Yes We Can students have access to technology utilizing iPads and learning English with the Duolingo language application.

The Yes We Can Mobile Schools language classes are taught by accredited teachers and with the use of technology through the language learning application: Duolingo.

Duolingo is the world's most popular language learning platform and has more than 300 million users. Founder Luis Von Ahn, a migrant from Guatemala, created the application so that everyone could have access to learn another language for free. We are partnered with Duolingo to help bring the mission of free language learning to migrant children.